Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ankle Booties

I have a pair of suede ankle booties which I adore. They look chic with a mini and t-shirt. They may also look good with boot-cut jeans, leggings or jean shorts. Do not wear suede during rain or they will get ruined. I think it's fun to style up a cute way to wear your ankle booties and have a good time. Unfortunately, I have gym every single day and cannot find a time to wear my cool new suede booties because I have to wear gym shoes.

In US Weekly, my mom (Emily Paster, West of the Loop) found pictures of celebrities in their ankle booties. I think Emma Stone styles her Rebecca Minkoffs good wearing skinny jeans, a brown purse and white shirt.

Have fun with those ankle booties!


  1. Those ankle booties are adorable!

    Nice job too, giving a shout-out to your mom's blog. :)

  2. SO cute ! You're gonna be such a stylin' girl when you're older ! x

  3. Thank you and I wear them a lot.
